The Goddess Voice

Living in Awe this Holiday

Living in Awe this Holiday

Our jewelry serves as a reminder that legendary change in this world is possible, it allows you to cherish the memory of the person who gave it to you, and empowers...

Living in Awe this Holiday

Our jewelry serves as a reminder that legendary change in this world is possible, it allows you to cherish the memory of the person who gave it to you, and empowers...

Our Team's Most Treasured Pieces

Our Team's Most Treasured Pieces

From Goddesses to amulets and layering chains, our team is sharing the pieces that leave them in Awe.

Our Team's Most Treasured Pieces

From Goddesses to amulets and layering chains, our team is sharing the pieces that leave them in Awe.

Now Trending: Mystical Goddesses

Now Trending: Mystical Goddesses

These Goddesses of the night are getting more and more attention, and of course for good reason. Powerful women, often villainized by patriarchal texts, are getting their time and the praise they...

Now Trending: Mystical Goddesses

These Goddesses of the night are getting more and more attention, and of course for good reason. Powerful women, often villainized by patriarchal texts, are getting their time and the praise they...

Night Goddess Nyx

Night Goddess Nyx

Revered as the mother of all things mysterious and inexplicable, such as death, sleep, and dreams, Nyx ruled the realm of Tartarus in the deepest recesses of the Underworld.

Night Goddess Nyx

Revered as the mother of all things mysterious and inexplicable, such as death, sleep, and dreams, Nyx ruled the realm of Tartarus in the deepest recesses of the Underworld.

Life After Cancer: Transitioning into Post-Treatment Survivorship

Life After Cancer: Transitioning into Post-Trea...

We spoke with Lauren Chatalian, MSW, LCSW, Women and Children’s Program Manager at CancerCare, to learn about the unique challenges of post-treatment survivorship and how to support the survivors in your...

Life After Cancer: Transitioning into Post-Trea...

We spoke with Lauren Chatalian, MSW, LCSW, Women and Children’s Program Manager at CancerCare, to learn about the unique challenges of post-treatment survivorship and how to support the survivors in your...

Body Image and Cancer: Coping With Hair Loss, Surgery and Other Physical Changes

Body Image and Cancer: Coping With Hair Loss, S...

We spoke with Lauren Chatalian, MSW, LCSW, Women and Children’s Program Manager at CancerCare to explore the interplay between body image and cancer.

Body Image and Cancer: Coping With Hair Loss, S...

We spoke with Lauren Chatalian, MSW, LCSW, Women and Children’s Program Manager at CancerCare to explore the interplay between body image and cancer.