Gift Guide: For the Fearless & Independent Aquarius In Your Life

Gift Guide: For the Fearless & Independent Aquarius In Your Life


Aquarius season often heralds a time of profound change. It’s also a time when you might find yourself itching to be less conventional or conformist. You might even start looking at life through a less traditional lens. Aquarians can be walking contradictions, but that makes shopping for a gift for them even more fun. Who doesn’t love a challenge, right?

If you have an Aquarius in your life (or are an Aquarius yourself), you know that this sign is all about individuality, independence, and innovation. Air signs are typically very cerebral, and Aquarians in particular are intellectual and curious. When it comes to getting gifts, they love to receive things that are meaningful and thoughtful. If the gift also has an altruistic component, even better. (Coincidentally, we donate a portion of proceeds from all of our sales to worthy causes.)

If your Aquarius loved one has a strong attachment to their sign, you can start by giving them the Aquarius Necklace, featuring the Water Bearer symbol on one side and the Aquarius constellation on the other. 

Many Goddesses will align with an Aquarian’s personality, but we think Celtic Goddess Brigid, who is a contradiction in many ways, is a true Aquarian Goddess. As the Goddess of poetry and healing, but also of fire and passion, she is not easy to define, and you certainly can’t put her in a box. Just like many Aquarians in real life! 

Our Two Is Better Than One Necklace Set, featuring Egyptian Goddesses Sekhmet and Bastet, is another excellent choice. These Goddesses unleash benevolent or destructive energy as they see fit, and will appeal to any Aquarius who is in touch with their duality.

Choose the genuine Moonstone Eclipse Necklace for the Aquarius in your life who has always been a little bit “head in the clouds” or been fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos. Or, give the gift of universal protection with the Celestial Evil Eye Ring. The cool and eye-catching Moon Phase Ear Crawler with genuine moonstone cabochons will also appeal to that Aquarius who is always looking up at the night sky.

Aquarians value real connection and intimacy, especially with their friends or “chosen family.” Because of this, we’re positive they’d love our La Tribu - “The Tribe” necklace from the Embrace collection, which symbolizes the importance of human connection. 

Finally, appeal to your Aquarian’s humanitarian side with the Coexist Medallion Necklace, which serves as a reminder to live in harmony with all types of people. 

Shop the Zodiac collection here and celebrate those fearless and bold Aquarian Goddesses.

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