Meet Heidi: The Melanoma Marvel

Meet Heidi: The Melanoma Marvel

Meet Heidi: The Melanoma Marvel


January 2018 Heidi lost her valiant battle with cancer. She is deeply missed by everyone who was privileged to know and love her.


"If it’s happening, it needs to."

"The point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far into the future, you will live your way into the answer."

"The bravest thing I ever did was to rescue myself. I could have easily fallen victim to my circumstances, but I knew I deserved better. So I forged my will, kicked, screamed, rewrote my story, fought against fate and here I am. Living, breathing, evolving through all things wondrous and painful. I can finally say... it feels good to feel good."


Woman || Yogi || Mom of 3 || Amputee, Cancer Survivor, Human. || @liuidshoes Ambassador


Here I am. Waiting. Healing. Still waiting. The Results. Tests. Scans. Biopsies. It's the elephant. We all know it's this kind of stuff that drives our output, our outcome. When really, why put so much emphasis on what might dictate our response. The power isn't in the results...the power is in the perspective. I've thought a lot about this. So, what if we get bad news like ...okay, Heidi, we've diagnosed things on what may decide your future with your cancer. Umm. No. I decide my outcome. Call me. Now, anytime. Do it. Deliver me the news. I. Don't. care. I'm not a statistic. I'm Heidi. I have more power over any rare cancer that's never been heard of. I drive my vehicle. Not you. So deliver me the news. It will be okay, it always is. It always has been. I am proof. Fear is a second hand term at this point. I am here, living, doing, surviving. Nothing can sway me in that intention. I am here to stay.


Tonight I'm sitting here appreciating my mobility and the chaos that comes with living a productive life. I try to remind myself that I wished for this for years. To no longer be on the sidelines watching life pass me by, to be back to work, to be able to help others, to be a carpool mom, to be a team player with my hubby, to be pain free, to juggle 6,879,873,021 things at once. I'm taking it all in. It's busy and beautiful. Still learning how to find balance in it all, but not one day goes by where I don't remind myself that I deeply missed all of this.


I am Heidi. I am a proud American. I fit in no box. I am not all or nothing of any social issue because my life isn't black and white. I require no labels. I am not who I vote for. I am a strong, bright, cheerful, educated, female, amputee, cancer survivor. I believe happiness is an inside job. I am part Native American, Polish and African American (yes I'm proud to claim them all) and I am a redhead with tattoos, green eyes and freckles. I am a proud mom of 3.



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