Meet Latanga: The Survival Seargent

Meet Latanga: The Survival Sergeant

Meet Latanga: The Survival Sergeant


After serving our country and surviving sexual assault in the process, LaTanga has devoted her life to empowering other female veterans. We are in AWE of her selflessness, bravery, and patriotism, and are honored to have her as one of our original AWE community members. 


“Giving back to my fellow veterans is the most rewarding part of my life." 

"Hold your head high with dignity and respect."


NY Senate Veteran’s Hall of Famer || Commercial Print Model || Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Survivor


I joined the Army when I was 20 in order to explore the world and gain a new perspective of myself. I served in the Sinai Peacekeeping Force, which upheld peace along the border between Israel and Egypt. I also processed soldiers in Dharhan, Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm, which is where I was sexually assaulted by a fellow soldier. Since returning to the U.S., I have dedicated my time to serving veterans at the Bronx VA Medical Center, providing support and counseling for other Military Sexual Trauma (MST) survivors. When I am not empowering the lives of fellow veterans, I maintain a successful modeling career and continue to travel the world to explore my horizons.

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