Gift Guide: Five Sets to Wear During a New Moon

Gift Guide: Five Sets to Wear During a New Moon

A new moon is a celestial gift that we sometimes don’t even know is happening. The hidden happening occurs every 28-30 days and causes the moon to be invisible from the Earth for a short time. It’s one of the phases of the moon — when the sun and moon both align and the sun’s rays block us from seeing it. This new moon phase is a great time for not only introspection but also for setting goals, starting new projects and re-imagining past intentions that may have been forgotten. More than anything, a new moon can be seen as an intimate moment to initiate beginnings. 

Many people enjoy using the moon’s phases as ways to create rituals. New moons = birth/beginning and Full Moons = completion/reflection. Creating a ritual can be beneficial in so many ways. Rituals help us focus, feel stabilized and can give us a sense of security in a world where we may feel we do not have much power or control. If you’re looking to start a new ritual and are starting with a moon ritual, we have created a special gift guide for you, which you can also share with a loved one to give them the benefit of a ritual that celebrates the magic and wonder of this consistent lunar event. These curated sets can be gentle reminders of your own inner power and how to maximize the energy of a new moon’s optimism and hope. 

The Triple Moon Collector Necklace allows you to call on the three forms of the moon: youthful Artemis when she’s new, beautiful Selene when she’s full, and dark Hecate when she’s waning. This is the perfect piece for anyone who celebrates the divine feminine and embraces the stages of womanhood. 


Looking to fully immerse yourself in a Moon ritual? The Dancing in the Moonlight Necklace is a great set to help you sharpen your psychic powers and enhance your intuitive skills. Featuring the Special Edition Hecate Necklace with moonstone inlay that shimmers in the light, it's meant to be worn under the moonlight on a full moon or to beam in darkness during a new moon. Hecate is also often evoked during lunar rituals to summon physical and psychological change.

The Frigg Necklace Set— Frigg is the Norse Goddess of motherhood and fertility and she is a devoted mother, who is often invoked by women in childbirth or those seeking to become pregnant. Frigg inspires you to reach deep inside yourself and bring your inner power to the forefront, instead of keeping it hidden. We’d give this set to anyone trying to conceive or who is in the thick of motherhood and needs extra spiritual support. A new moon is ideal for mothers and intended mothers to speak out their intentions and hopes for their families. 

We believe in gifting with intention, and giving those that mean the most to us special gifts that honor their spirit, inspire or empower them. The Morrigan is one of our more empowering Goddesses, and The Morrigan + Triple Moon Necklace pairs the Celtic Goddess of war who is associated with battle, and encourages warriors to be brave and fearless, with the Triple Moon which represents the divine feminine. Together they can be worn under the new moon to foster strength before going into battle… or into a new project or opportunity. 

To the Moon and Back Necklace is a beautiful set that includes the Special Edition Selene Goddess Pendant and Moonstone Amulet on a box chain alongside the Moon Eye Amulet and Celestial Mother of Pearl Amulet on an amulet collector link. The set is magical and inspires us to dream and speak our goals out to the heavens. Gift this to someone who inspires others to soar.

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