The Goddess Voice

National Hispanic Heritage Month: Honoring strong and powerful Latin Goddesses

National Hispanic Heritage Month: Honoring stro...

National Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 to October 15. It marks the celebration of the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens with Spanish, Mexican, Central and South...

National Hispanic Heritage Month: Honoring stro...

National Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 to October 15. It marks the celebration of the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens with Spanish, Mexican, Central and South...

Collection Launch: The Moon Phases Collection & Goddess Hecate shine their light

Collection Launch: The Moon Phases Collection &...

Our new Moon Phases Collection is all about the serene yet brilliant energy of the moon. A constant presence in the human journey, the moon symbolizes our deepest sense of...

Collection Launch: The Moon Phases Collection &...

Our new Moon Phases Collection is all about the serene yet brilliant energy of the moon. A constant presence in the human journey, the moon symbolizes our deepest sense of...

Spiritual Wellness: The indisputable power of affirmations

Spiritual Wellness: The indisputable power of a...

Thoughts often turn into actions, and those actions shape our lives. This is why it’s important for your inner voice to be as positive as possible, and for the things...

Spiritual Wellness: The indisputable power of a...

Thoughts often turn into actions, and those actions shape our lives. This is why it’s important for your inner voice to be as positive as possible, and for the things...

Gift Guide: Your Gift Guide for the Harmonious and Charming Libras in Your Life

Gift Guide: Your Gift Guide for the Harmonious ...

Chances are, if you have a Libra in your life, they bring a lot of joy, beauty and an unexplainable balance in your life that you’d be lost without. In...

Gift Guide: Your Gift Guide for the Harmonious ...

Chances are, if you have a Libra in your life, they bring a lot of joy, beauty and an unexplainable balance in your life that you’d be lost without. In...

Manifestations: September’s Stunning Harvest Moon + Your Sign

Manifestations: September’s Stunning Harvest Mo...

Look up into the night sky this week, the September Harvest Moon is arriving. Strikingly bold, the Harvest Moon is said by many astrologers to offer opportunities for a fresh...

Manifestations: September’s Stunning Harvest Mo...

Look up into the night sky this week, the September Harvest Moon is arriving. Strikingly bold, the Harvest Moon is said by many astrologers to offer opportunities for a fresh...

The Goddesses who thrived in male-dominated careers

The Goddesses who thrived in male-dominated car...

These real-life Goddesses not only thrived in male-dominated career fields, they paved new ground for men and women in these roles. Women’s contributions to society have long been discounted by...

The Goddesses who thrived in male-dominated car...

These real-life Goddesses not only thrived in male-dominated career fields, they paved new ground for men and women in these roles. Women’s contributions to society have long been discounted by...