Meet Jess: The Lymphoma Barbie

Meet Jess: The Lymphoma Barbie

Meet Jess: The Lymphoma Barbie


We fell in love with Jess after seeing a video of her putting on lipstick before her handsome doctor came in to check on her chemo treatment. Her hilarious commentary and vivacious attitude are earning her a large following of cancer patients seeking comfort and a great laugh. We are in AWE of her vibrancy and are honored to have her wearing our Serenity Bracelet.


“Stop rushing around, life is meant to be lived.”

“We all have two lives: the second one starts when we realize that we only have one.”


M i a m i  || Stage 4 Cancer Survivor || Author of "Talk Cancer to Me" || Diva!


Having cancer is one of the scariest things in the world. But you are NOT alone!

In my book Talk Cancer to Me, I explain my initial terror at my unexplained symptoms, and the mounting stress as none out of myriad different specialists could help me. Finally, after landing in urgent care, I was officially diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, an aggressive type of cancer. But I was determined to beat it. I always seek out laughter in the face of difficult situations. While buoyantly recounting parties in the ICU and flirting with cute doctors, I also openly detail some of the physical and emotional challenges I experienced as a cancer patient. I do my best to provide definitions for terms that doctors may gloss over and practical tips for fellow patients as they step through their own treatment process. From wig shopping to the best diet when undergoing radiation therapy, I sincerely hope my genuine advice and experiences will help you replace fear and uncertainty with hope and clarity. 

I am currently working as a Pharmaceutical Sales Rep in Miami, but writing and sharing my journey with others is my true passion. I hope to continue writing and continue sharing my journey, since cancer definitely doesn't end after remission! I live my life in the now, for the present moment, which was something I was never able to do. I'm much more about living life to the fullest and doing all of the things that I want, because we never know what tomorrow brings… especially as cancer survivors!


I used to dread getting older before cancer, because of what society tells us we should be. 30 in today's society equals married with kids, which is a great accomplishment for some, but in my case, I've learned never to settle. Ever. As I approach 30, I spent a year fighting for my life. I went through salvage chemo and had my entire body radiated. I have burns all over my body to prove it. I purchased my first piece of property, which doesn't really mean anything at all to me--another thing "society" says we should be able to do by 30. I've met so many cancer fighters and survivors throughout the world that have become some of my closest friends. But most importantly, I survived something that I thought would kill me, and learned so many lessons that it usually takes most people a lifetime to learn. I found my true passion and wrote a book about it. They say cancer is a curse and a blessing. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I now know the real meaning of life. Stop rushing around, life is meant to be lived. If you're reading this, you're one of the lucky ones that has the privilege to be alive.


Yes, Cancer took my hair. Yes, I rock my pixie cut. And yes, I rock my wigs too. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're any less of a fighter because of how you choose to handle the physical toll that cancer takes on your appearance. Do what makes YOU happy. For me, I enjoy being girly--that's just who I am. It's just hair, I get that, but for me, it was a lot more. I went through chemo wearing wigs and fake eyelashes and I still do! Opinions are like buttholes--everyone has one! So..short hair, no hair, long hair, do what makes you feel good and confident! 



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