The Goddess Voice

Gift Guide: For every type of amazing mom in your life

Gift Guide: For every type of amazing mom in yo...

There is no other role like the role of mother. It’s beautiful and messy, challenging but rewarding, complicated yet meaningful. And every year we celebrate mothers on one day. One...

Gift Guide: For every type of amazing mom in yo...

There is no other role like the role of mother. It’s beautiful and messy, challenging but rewarding, complicated yet meaningful. And every year we celebrate mothers on one day. One...

Gift Guide: Meaningful Mother’s Day Giving

Gift Guide: Meaningful Mother’s Day Giving

The core of Mother’s Day is pure, thoughtful, meaningful and beautiful but like most holidays, it can be a hard one to navigate, especially if the feeling of loss overshadows...

Gift Guide: Meaningful Mother’s Day Giving

The core of Mother’s Day is pure, thoughtful, meaningful and beautiful but like most holidays, it can be a hard one to navigate, especially if the feeling of loss overshadows...

Gift Guide: You’re deserving of Awe, Mama

Gift Guide: You’re deserving of Awe, Mama

In this era of self-defining power, claiming your own happiness, and manifesting everything you need, we find special magic in picking our own gifts. Each person has a unique story...

Gift Guide: You’re deserving of Awe, Mama

In this era of self-defining power, claiming your own happiness, and manifesting everything you need, we find special magic in picking our own gifts. Each person has a unique story...

Gift Guide: Mother’s Day. It’s complicated

Gift Guide: Mother’s Day. It’s complicated

As Mother’s Day approaches, it might naturally lead us to examine our relationships with our mothers. Though Mother’s Day is seen as a celebration, it can be quite a difficult...

Gift Guide: Mother’s Day. It’s complicated

As Mother’s Day approaches, it might naturally lead us to examine our relationships with our mothers. Though Mother’s Day is seen as a celebration, it can be quite a difficult...

Supporting Women’s Earth Alliance

Supporting Women’s Earth Alliance

Planet Earth will always be the best gift any of us will ever receive. It’s a privilege to live in such a place of beauty, abundance, and biodiversity. Earth gives...

Supporting Women’s Earth Alliance

Planet Earth will always be the best gift any of us will ever receive. It’s a privilege to live in such a place of beauty, abundance, and biodiversity. Earth gives...

Model wearing Taurus Pendant Necklace, Lapis Scarab Necklace and Purpose Over Perfect affirmation pendant all in gold vermeil.

Gift Guide: The Loyal and Earthy Taurus

If you have a Taurus in your life, you know how deeply they appreciate the beauty and equally the simplicity of life — although the fixed Earth sign is far...

Gift Guide: The Loyal and Earthy Taurus

If you have a Taurus in your life, you know how deeply they appreciate the beauty and equally the simplicity of life — although the fixed Earth sign is far...