A Look Behind our Celestials Collection

A Look Behind our Celestials Collection

We noticed that most Zodiac art and jewelry depicts the Zodiacs as astrological symbols or iconic animals. So we set out to represent the divine feminine in each piece and provide greater personal connection to these Celestial Goddesses. Every Zodiac has a corresponding constellation and the stories behind each is powerful, filled with divine Goddesses and tales of adventure in Greek mythology. So we crafted each Zodiac pendant with two sides, a delicate constellation on one side and an inspiring female interpretation on the other.

Get to know your Celestial Goddess a little bit better: 




February 19–March 20

The constellation of Pisces traces back to the Greek myth of Aphrodite and her son Eros escaping the monster Typhon. Typhon came out of nowhere so Aphrodite thought fast and being born of the sea, transformed herself and her son into fish to flee to the safe depths of the Euphrates River. Today this pair of celestials represent emotionally aware and sensitive attributes.



August 23–September 22

The constellation of Virgo traces back to the Greek myth of Astraea. A heavenly maiden, vineyard farmers know it’s time to harvest their grapes to make wine when her brightest star rises on the eastern horizon at dawn. Today this celestial Goddess represents benevolent, admirable virtues, beautiful, and benevolent attributes.



November 22–December 21

The constellation of Sagittarius traces back to the Greek myth of the centaur Crotos raised by the immortal Muses. Upon his death from old age, the sisters placed him in the skies to forever roam, clutching his bow and arrow. Today this celestial Goddess represents loyal, joyful, and assertive attributes.



March 21–April 19

The constellation of Aries traces back to the Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts’ quest for the Golden Fleece. It’s said a shimmering ram with a golden fleece rescued two noble children being sacrificed to the gods. For this act of bravery, its Golden Fleece earned a place in the star. Today this celestial Goddess represents daring, strategic, and ambitious attributes.



 April 20–May 20

The constellation of Taurus traces back to the Greek myth of Zeus transforming himself into a bull to woo the beautiful Europa. Their son Minos would reign as king of Crete and Zeus’ bull form still emblazons the night sky today. Today this celestial Goddess represents luxury, strength, and loving attributes.



The constellation of Gemini traces back to the Greek myth of two Argonaut twins blessed with the skills of navigation. Their devotion to the stars earned them an eternal place among them, forever side by side guiding travelers safely through the night. Today the twin celestial Goddesses represent clever, bright, and whimsical attributes.



June 22–July 22

The constellation of Cancer traces back to the Greek myth of Hercules and the Twelve Labors. Hercules himself slayed this crab for defending Hydra, one of the other monstrous labors. Today this celestial Goddess represents thoughtful, nurturing, and kind attributes.



July 23–August 22

The constellation of Leo traces back to the Greek myth of Hercules and the Twelve Labors. Hercules himself slayed this lion which was so strong, its skin could not be pierced by any weapon. Today this celestial Goddess represents confidence, vibrancy, and natural leadership. 



September 23–October 23

The constellation of Libra traces back to the Greek myth of Orion, who’s arrogance attracted the wrath of Gaea. Few know that Libra and Scorpio are two constellations that come together to form the scorpion beast that slayed Orion and inspired Artemis to enshrine him in the sky. The claws are Libra, often represented by the scales of justice, and the stinger is Scorpio. Today this celestial Goddess represents just, fair, and cunning attributes.



October 24–November 21

The constellation of Scorpio traces back to the Greek myth of Orion, who’s arrogance attracted the wrath of Gaea. Few know that Scorpio and Libra are two constellations that come together to form the scorpion beast that slayed Orion and inspired Artemis to enshrine him in the sky. The claws are Libra and the stinger is Scorpio. Today this celestial Goddess represents mystery, creative genius, and passionate attributes.



December 22–January 19

The constellation of Capricorn traces back to the Greek myth of Zeus and the nanny Goat Amalthea that saved him as an infant by raising him with her kids. Aegoceros was Zeus’ brother, a goat, a companion, and an excellent swimmer that discovered the conch trumpet. Upon his death, Zeus placed his goat brother among the stars to forever swim in the night sky. Today this celestial Goddess represents stoic, adventurous, and disciplined attributes.



January 20–February 18

The constellation of Aquarius traces back to the Greek myth of Ganymede, the cupbearer of water to the Gods and Goddesses. Forever immortalized in the sky for steadfast service, every night Ganymede’s right hand pours sparkling water represented by a stream of radiant stars. Today this celestial Goddess represents self-reliance, devotion, and optimistic attributes. 

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