Gift Guide: For every type of amazing mom in your life

Gift Guide: For every type of amazing mom in your life

There is no other role like the role of mother. It’s beautiful and messy, challenging but rewarding, complicated yet meaningful. And every year we celebrate mothers on one day. One day where your social feeds are full of throwback pictures of mothers and heartfelt tributes to their role in our lives or the sacrifices they made and the impact they had on us. One day where store fronts are lined with pre-made bouquets of pink carnations and calla lilies, and while all that is wonderful — we want to gift our mothers something more this year. Something with deeper meaning that celebrates her as a woman and honors her Goddess within.

Think about your inner circle of mothers, whether you’re one or not, you’re surrounded. You might have your own, maybe a couple women you call mom or represent a mother to you personally. Maybe your sister just became a mom or your favorite coworker lights up your Monday morning with stories of their toddler.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, we’ve put together a list of gifts for some of the different types of mothers in your life and how *we’d* gift them. Of course, how you choose to honor them this year is up to you, but we invite you to think beyond pink carnations and greeting cards and give them something that inspires AWE.

For your mother, step-mother, mother in law or whoever plays a motherly and nurturing role to you, give her a Goddess who represents wisdom and fight like Athena or a Goddess like Selene who represents the moon and its magnificent magic. Norse Goddess Frigg is the Goddess of motherhood and fertility, representing the Queen in all of us.

For your sister, best friend or the woman in your life who is a new mother and learning how to navigate this new world of motherhood, give her the Indigo Aura necklace to align her sixth chakra for mental clarity because baby brain is real and IYKYK. To remind her of her strength and bravery as sometimes that “4th trimester” feels like a battle, The Morrigan will give her the strength on the battlefield. When you become a mother, it’s natural to feel like a superheroine or even like Mother Earth herself. You’ve earned that feeling, we’re the Mother Earth Goddess herself, Gaia.

For your mom friend who you tell everything to, the one you send text messages of the crazy things your child has done, who understands every milestone and holds space for you in those moments where you feel like no one else gets it, give her the Woman Power necklace to show appreciation for the empowerment she offers you. To thank her for protecting your heart (and sanity) more times than you can count, give her the Egyptian Goddess of Protection, Bastet. 

For your mom friend who is a true boss, a leader, a woman who has shattered glass ceilings and lended a ladder to lift other women up, who has been called “bossy” her whole life and wears it like a badge of honor instead of an insult, give her the Queen of the Underworld + Goddess of Springtime, Persephone or the, "I can & I will" affirmation necklace to pay tribute to her ambitious nature.

For your friend who has or is suffering loss, whether pregnancy, infertility or child loss, and who may be grieving through her smile or angry at her circumstance, Medusa has become a symbol for resilience and empowerment and will help her understand how strong she truly is. The Moonstone Eclipse also is a reminder of life’s cycles. Though this may not bring the comfort she needs, the connection to the heavens illuminates our eternal love we have for each other.

For your best work friend who’s a mother and sympathizes with you when your kid is sick, understands when you cannot stay late and who entertains you with stories of their weekend adventures with their family, give her the Gate Key of Hades to remind her that you’re both in the trenches of working mom/life balance and you’ll always be there to cheer her on when she needs a 3pm pep talk.

For the mom who does it all – she heads up the PTA, she opens up her home for every summer get-together, she remembers each significant date, she was there helping you with laundry after you had your first baby, she balances the world on her shoulders with grace and humility, and sometimes you wonder how she makes do. Give this boss mom the Butterfly Studs so that she always knows you have her back and to thank her for including you in her village.

For the friend who lost her mother and is mourning a life without her, who may have several voicemails saved and listens to them when she needs to hear her mother’s voice. Who is strong for her family and is taking on the role of matriarch, but really just wants to go back to being a kid in her mother’s arms, without a care in the world—give her Goddess of night, Nyx, to remind her that daylight always follows the dark.

For the mom going through it who is doing her best to stay afloat. Who needs encouragement and a village and maybe a vacation, and who is trying to find her way and figure out what path she needs to take next – give her the Circe Necklace to let her know that you think she is a badass woman who is magical and powerful, even when she cannot see it.

For your crunchy mom friend who has an essential oil for every ailment and sends you articles on global warming and invites you to women’s marches, who made all of her own baby food, turned you on to natural deodorant and who loves you even if you let your kids drink from plastic cups and eat chicken nuggets, give her the Reclaiming the Pentagram necklace to help her connect her spirituality to nature and to symbolize her divine connection to the earth.  

And for you— you’re doing an amazing job and deserve to be celebrated too. For you, discover your inner and outer Goddesses to help you harness all of their magic and the divine that lives in you.  

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