Meet Samuel: Captain Light

Meet Samuel: Captain Light

Meet Samuel: Captain Light


After a 7 year battle with brain cancer put his life on pause, Samuel Del Real became determined to live each day to its fullest potential. Between rocking international stages as an acclaimed drummer, taking on annual Burning Man festivals, building a career in Real Estate, introducing a new international music group HUNGER to the music scene that got the likings of Taylor Swift per Spotify playlist and Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why, and devoting time to brain cancer advocacy, we’d say Sammy is living life to the max. We’re in awe of his drive to inspire others to do the same.


"Being goofy, living, smiling, loving, being passionate, working towards what you love, being around people that move you, being around people that make you feel something... Continue to live the life you're intended too. With heart. With love."

"You are only confined by the walls you build yourself. The one thing you have that nobody else has, IS yourself. Your voice. Your mind. Your story. Your vision. So write and draw, build and play, dance and live as only you can. And build the dreams you know you can."

"Don't compare your life to others, there is no comparison between the sun and the moon.. they shine when it's their time... Instead, if there is something you've never had... then you'll have to do something you've never done. Go after it and live YOUR life"


Global Citizen || Entrepreneur || Musician || Brain Tumor Survivor


A Chicagoan of Colombian descent, grew up playing music with his latin jazz -pianist father, and later as the drummer for rock band Wax On Radio, a one-time Lollapalooza act. When Wax disbanded, Del Real landed a job as a residential luxury leasing agent for the Finger Companies in his hometown, Atlanta, California and Denver. “Never in a million years” did the bachelor imagine he’d be living in Houston, but the decision to move here in 2012 saved his life. He’d been quietly living with a brain tumor since high school, with docs keeping it at bay, but it eventually got so bad that he had to tell his employer he was battling Stage III cancer. When Houston-based honcho Marvy Finger caught wind of the situation, he offered Del Real the opportunity to help launch one of the company’s six new apartment buildings here, while receiving treatment at M.D. Anderson. Within 7 months, Del Real was cancer-free. “The quality of care was different here,” recalls the former patient. “They spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was going to work for me.”

That was in 2013, and the fedora-favoring Del Real has stayed put since, helping shepherd Finger’s interests through the city’s unprecedented building boom— Since, Del Real now living in Los Angeles, CA has reached a little more international following as well with his bringing to the american and international music scene HUNGER. Getting the likes of Taylor Swift in her Spotify playlist, the Austrian Trio also getting placement in Netflix hit "13 Reasons Why" Sammy has taken his outlook in life and the ability to change the dynamic of a room with his energy. Has given him the inspiration to continue to push all envelopes in life,for him and our global society.


In the US, in the world, in our lives today... is about supporting those families, those friends, those loved ones or those people in our lives that have been affected by this horrible disease. Myself included, I am everyday beyond grateful to look up at the sky, thank god and be present. Live the life you were intended to. For it is far too short to sweat the little things. When it seems the most impossible... Remember you CAN get through it. You WILL get through it. Then when you do... you'll know that you're only that much stronger for yourself and for everyone else, because you give HOPE. This just doesn't go to Cancer survivors, Cancer patients or anyone ill... but to EVERYONE. Have hope. Have faith. You're not alone and I've learned that through the gift of relationships and friendships and family. I am forever indebted to you all for allowing me to have hope. To have something to fight for.


Eyes… notably receive light, they also emit it. What kind of light is that? Oh.. it’s the light within, the light that shines in all eyes we meet, known and unknown. The eyes of strangers, for instance on board a packed elevator in your day to day life, emit a faint light, more like a barely perceptible glimmer in their grimy faces, and what it reveals is hardly more than that they are alive. But the moment those little lanterns of life are turned towards you, and you look into them, what you see is a particular human being. Maybe you take notice to them, maybe not, in the course of a life we gaze into thousands of eyes, most of them slipping by unperceived, but then suddenly there is something there, in those very eyes, something you want, and which you would do almost anything to be close to. What is it? For it isn’t the pupils you were seeing then, nor the irises or whites of the eyes. It is the soul, the archaic light of the soul the eyes are filled with, and to gaze into the eyes of the ones you love when love is at its most powerful belongs among the highest joy.



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