The Goddess Voice

Confidence Tips from IG-Guru Ginger Valentine

Confidence Tips from IG-Guru Ginger Valentine

“Confidence is ultimately radical self-acceptance - and self-esteem is the byproduct of loving and accepting yourself as you are.” - Ginger Valentine

Confidence Tips from IG-Guru Ginger Valentine

“Confidence is ultimately radical self-acceptance - and self-esteem is the byproduct of loving and accepting yourself as you are.” - Ginger Valentine

Goddess Freya’s Fiery Necklace

Goddess Freya’s Fiery Necklace

Don’t cry for Freya, she was one of the most beautiful Goddesses in ancient history and is frequently shown wearing her prized necklace Brísingamen made of amber and gemstones encased...

Goddess Freya’s Fiery Necklace

Don’t cry for Freya, she was one of the most beautiful Goddesses in ancient history and is frequently shown wearing her prized necklace Brísingamen made of amber and gemstones encased...

Goddess Ix Chel’s Rainbow

Goddess Ix Chel’s Rainbow

Known as a mostly merry and frisky Goddess, Ix Chel is ideal for the fun loving family traditions. Invite her to your next cook out.

Goddess Ix Chel’s Rainbow

Known as a mostly merry and frisky Goddess, Ix Chel is ideal for the fun loving family traditions. Invite her to your next cook out.

Goddess Isis Robbed

Goddess Isis Robbed

You want to unearth Isis? She’s an Egyptian deity known as the great mother and had the power to heal the sick, perform magic, and protect women and children.

Goddess Isis Robbed

You want to unearth Isis? She’s an Egyptian deity known as the great mother and had the power to heal the sick, perform magic, and protect women and children.

Goddess Kali’s Revenge

Goddess Kali’s Revenge

She symbolizes the death of the ego, Hinduism’s ultimate goal of human life in dharma. She’s also the embodiment of shakti, female power and prowess dating back in ancient texts...

Goddess Kali’s Revenge

She symbolizes the death of the ego, Hinduism’s ultimate goal of human life in dharma. She’s also the embodiment of shakti, female power and prowess dating back in ancient texts...

An Interview with Non-Binary makeup artist and advocate Brandyn Cross

An Interview with Non-Binary makeup artist and ...

We spoke with Non-Binary makeup artist and advocate Brandyn Cross to see how Marsha's legacy touched their life and what Pride month means to them, especially after such an unprecedented...

An Interview with Non-Binary makeup artist and ...

We spoke with Non-Binary makeup artist and advocate Brandyn Cross to see how Marsha's legacy touched their life and what Pride month means to them, especially after such an unprecedented...