The Goddess Voice

Gift Guide: The Meaningful Sets That Will Increase Strength & Energy

Gift Guide: The Meaningful Sets That Will Incre...

The women who love Awe jewelry are strong and powerful in their own right, and they know that our Goddess pieces will only enhance these qualities within them. We tend...

Gift Guide: The Meaningful Sets That Will Incre...

The women who love Awe jewelry are strong and powerful in their own right, and they know that our Goddess pieces will only enhance these qualities within them. We tend...

Gift Guide: Five Sets to Wear During a New Moon

Gift Guide: Five Sets to Wear During a New Moon

A new moon is a celestial gift that we sometimes don’t even know is happening. The hidden happening occurs every 28-30 days and causes the moon to be invisible from...

Gift Guide: Five Sets to Wear During a New Moon

A new moon is a celestial gift that we sometimes don’t even know is happening. The hidden happening occurs every 28-30 days and causes the moon to be invisible from...

Collection Launch: Be the Change you want to see

Collection Launch: Be the Change you want to see

If you’ve always wanted to make positive changes or have a positive impact in an ever-evolving world that is sometimes at odds with what is right, we’ve created the Be...

Collection Launch: Be the Change you want to see

If you’ve always wanted to make positive changes or have a positive impact in an ever-evolving world that is sometimes at odds with what is right, we’ve created the Be...

Gift Guide: Let’s return to meaningful gifting

Gift Guide: Let’s return to meaningful gifting

When founders Jill and Max Johnson conceived of Awe Inspired, they wanted to create beautiful, meaningful, and empowering gifts for cancer survivors and other people who’d overcome great hardships. The...

Gift Guide: Let’s return to meaningful gifting

When founders Jill and Max Johnson conceived of Awe Inspired, they wanted to create beautiful, meaningful, and empowering gifts for cancer survivors and other people who’d overcome great hardships. The...

Gift Guide: Warrior, Champion, Enchantress, or Belladonna? Find the power piece that speaks to your soul

Gift Guide: Warrior, Champion, Enchantress, or ...

When we look at the types of women who love our jewelry, we find that they are likely to be one of four archetypes: the Warrior, the Champion, the Enchantress,...

Gift Guide: Warrior, Champion, Enchantress, or ...

When we look at the types of women who love our jewelry, we find that they are likely to be one of four archetypes: the Warrior, the Champion, the Enchantress,...

Manifestations: Embracing and Understanding the Triple Moon & Maiden, Mother, Crone Archetype

Manifestations: Embracing and Understanding the...

You may have seen the Triple Moon Necklace that we offer and seen it styled with various Goddesses or sets. You may have also been drawn to the symbol for...

Manifestations: Embracing and Understanding the...

You may have seen the Triple Moon Necklace that we offer and seen it styled with various Goddesses or sets. You may have also been drawn to the symbol for...