Know your Goddess: Notorious RBG

Know your Goddess: Notorious RBG

Only the second woman to have ever ascended to the US Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought courageously throughout her entire career to protect marginalized groups with her rulings. Unlike most Supreme Court justices, RBG achieved pop culture icon status (at the age of 85!) and remains a prominent figure in pop culture today. She is immortalized in two films, multiple books, our Goddess medallions, and on T-shirts, tote bags, and bobble heads.

The Notorious RBG is no fleeting icon. She was determined to secure women’s rights on the bench, and she always strived to overturn civil-rights violations, no matter who they affected. She famously practiced what she preached beyond the courtroom, enjoying an equitable marriage and partnership with her husband Marty. The pair shared the responsibilities of child-rearing and housework. When President Jimmy Carter named her to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Marty left his lucrative law career in New York to move with his wife to Washington. 

RBG accomplished so much during her lifetime, but she will always be remembered for the way in which she accomplished it - with fairness, kindness and brilliance. She fought against inequality and worked persistently for more than half a century. She never gave up, even when people tried to get in her way. Her determination, intellect, and quiet sense of humor made her a force to be reckoned with.

It’s an honor to have her, forever immortalized on our beloved Goddess medallions. We will always hold her in the highest esteem - the brilliant, pretty, small Jewish powerhouse from Brooklyn.

RBG - Enlightened. Feminist. Notorious.
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