Gift Guide: You’re deserving of Awe, Mama

Gift Guide: You’re deserving of Awe, Mama

In this era of self-defining power, claiming your own happiness, and manifesting everything you need, we find special magic in picking our own gifts. Each person has a unique story to tell, and what they need at this exact moment to celebrate Mother’s Day, is a powerful example of claiming that energy.

Some of us this year are picking gifts for ourselves that honor the Goddess within that have gotten us through a difficult couple of years, when as mothers, we often carried more than our share of the burden. We seek symbols of strength as reflections of our inner divine and reminders of what we can accomplish. Wrapping ourselves in protection and inspiration, we’re gravitating towards pieces that offer the fire we need to keep going like the Wing Wrap Ring or the Flying Dagger Studs to release our inner warrior.

Other people are selecting pieces for themselves as a special reminder of someone they lost; maybe a mother who was herself a beautiful Goddess. There can be lots of different things we do and totems we carry that honor the type of love and strength that will always connect a mother and child. For those of us who long to see a glimpse of our mothers or spend Mother’s Day feeling a sense of loss and remembrance, we honor them with meaningful pieces like Goddess Brigid who’s seen as a motherly and nurturing figure. We also love the Celestial Mother of Pearl Necklace to highlight the eternal love of a mother.



Some of us will look for a gift for ourselves that reminds us to seek joy, affirm that we are going to find and celebrate happiness in our lives. That even when we struggle we will remember we are enough and we are worthy of this amazing role of motherhood; a reminder to enjoy even the difficult times, as they too will soon pass. None of us are perfect mothers but the pressure to be the most, do the most and to keep up with the idea that we’re all supermoms can be crippling. In reality, our children need us at the best version of ourselves, our truest selves. A gentle reminder for us all is that purpose outweighs perfection, which is why this affirmation necklace is at the top of our list. Also, if you’ve ever doubted for a moment that you’re anything less than a Goddess, our Moonstone Goddess necklace is the best little nudge.

Celebrate your strength because we’re warriors, fighting secret battles to become the type of mother we’ve always wanted to be. Speaking softly into the universe, manifesting the future of motherhood and the dream of having happy, healthy children one day. Harness the energy of Goddess Nike for her victorious spirit and pair her with the Wing Torch Necklace to help light up your unique path. Call on mother Goddesses for fertility, maternity and safe entries earthside with Goddesses like Hathor, Aphrodite, Frigg or Pachamama.  

There are also those among us who find gifting themselves at this time of year a way to acknowledge with gratitude the gift of having wonderful children in our lives and having the opportunity to be a mother. Some will find pieces to wear together to highlight each child as a unique blessing; all as the perfect way to manifest even more joy for their whole family. An easy way to tell your own story is with the Convertible Amulet Collector, adding a special piece for each child and manifestation ahead. We love the idea of adding in our children’s zodiac sign, or amulets that remind us of them.

Looking for a piece that truly represents you and who you are to the core? Discover who your inner and outer Goddesses are through our Goddess Quiz and open up a world of awe by learning how these two Goddesses can guide you to vibrate higher. Read more here about understanding how to work with your inner and outer Goddesses.


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