Galentine’s Day Gift Guide for the Awe-Inspiring Women in Your Life

Galentine’s Day Gift Guide for the Awe-Inspiring Women in Your Life

Female friendships are not one dimensional. They are not a monolith or even easily defined at times. They can be neat and perfect and unscathed for decades. They can be edifying and illuminating, helping you understand yourself and the world better. They can be complicated and sprinkled with faded scars that only you both know the origin. They can represent bits and pieces of you and support your evolution and growth while still holding on to that version of yourself that you protect fiercely, hidden deep inside the places only few have seen. 

If you often feel like your friendships are divine, holy, like gifts from the Goddesses— you’re not alone. Some of the most intimate and powerful relationships you will have will be overflowing with female energy. Studies show that women need their female friendships and that they benefit from them in ways that go deeper than just the, feel good feeling of togetherness. They nurture, validate and support us through some of the most pivotal moments in our lives. Isn’t that something we can truly treasure? 

This year, we’re celebrating the unofficial holiday coined by fictional Goddess, Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation (Amy Poehler), who on an episode says that Galentine’s Day is just, “Ladies celebrating ladies.” And to be honest, after the last (almost) two years — we’re here for it and we’re sharing the gifts that we’d give the different type of best female friends in our lives.

  • For the best friend you’ve had since Junior High School who feels like family and you do not see nearly enough, the Greek Goddess bracelet because she is your true, blue, OG, oldest friend.
  • For your best “mom friend,” who you text first when your kid does something weird that Google cannot explain, the Isis Necklace because Isis was the mother of all Goddesses, the Egyptian Goddess of healing and magic.
    Isis Pendant Necklace
  • For your virtual best friend who lives across the ocean but knows you deeper than some of your IRL friends, the Triple Moon Necklace to represent divine feminine power in all of its aspects - intuition, creativity, wisdom & mystery and because even though you’re miles away, you’re still under the same moon. 
  • For your work best friend, AKA your “work-wife,” who with just a glance knows what you’re thinking, the Woman Power Ring so you both can support each other’s climb of the corporate ladder.
    Woman Power Collection
  • For your college roommate who over a bowl of .10 cent ramen and a bad break-up became a best friend, a Zodiac necklace in her sign so that she always celebrates her celestial power…and because you both still send each other zodiac memes.
  • For the best friend you made randomly through another friend who you cannot imagine a life without, the Sword Necklace for all of the times she has protected your heart and guarded your soul.
  • For your sister who knows all of your secrets and understands exactly why you’re you, the "EVERYTHING I NEED IS WITHIN ME" Affirmation Necklace so that she always is reminded of her power.
  • For the best friend you met during a season of grief who has been with you through a healing journey, the Joan of Arc Bracelet for strength, bravery and triumph.
  • For your best friend who’s significant other is your significant other’s best friend, the Pearl Hoop Earrings, because every woman needs an elevated upgrade to the perfect earring.
    Ocean Collection
  • For the cousin on your dad’s side of the family who just gets you and who’d be at your doorstep in an hour if you needed her, the Medusa Signet Ring because no one is as badass as Medusa and your ride or die cousin. 


Not sure what to get the best friend in your life, send her the Goddess Quiz so that she can discover her inner Goddess and start building her divine collection.

You can also shop the entire gift guide collection here

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