The Goddess Voice

Gift Guide: For the Fearless & Independent Aquarius In Your Life

Gift Guide: For the Fearless & Independent Aqua...

  Aquarius season often heralds a time of profound change. It’s also a time when you might find yourself itching to be less conventional or conformist. You might even start...

Gift Guide: For the Fearless & Independent Aqua...

  Aquarius season often heralds a time of profound change. It’s also a time when you might find yourself itching to be less conventional or conformist. You might even start...

Collection Launch: The Eclipse

Collection Launch: The Eclipse

Eclipses are natural phenomena that have fascinated humans for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations believed that eclipses were a bad omen, because during a solar eclipse, the sun’s light was...

Collection Launch: The Eclipse

Eclipses are natural phenomena that have fascinated humans for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations believed that eclipses were a bad omen, because during a solar eclipse, the sun’s light was...

Spiritual Wellness: It’s time to howl at the moon

Spiritual Wellness: It’s time to howl at the moon

The first full moon of the year is tonight, January 6th. Called the Wolf Moon, it reflects an old belief that wolves howled at the moon more during the month...

Spiritual Wellness: It’s time to howl at the moon

The first full moon of the year is tonight, January 6th. Called the Wolf Moon, it reflects an old belief that wolves howled at the moon more during the month...

The Year Ahead: What the stars have in store for you in 2023

The Year Ahead: What the stars have in store fo...

As we bid farewell to 2022, it’s only natural to look ahead and wonder what this coming year will have in store for all of us. It’s also the perfect...

The Year Ahead: What the stars have in store fo...

As we bid farewell to 2022, it’s only natural to look ahead and wonder what this coming year will have in store for all of us. It’s also the perfect...

The Top 10: 2022’s bestsellers were full of magical energy

The Top 10: 2022’s bestsellers were full of mag...

Our December bestsellers have so much meaning, and it’s not hard to see why they resonated with you. These pieces are empowering, full of magical, protective energy, and just plain...

The Top 10: 2022’s bestsellers were full of mag...

Our December bestsellers have so much meaning, and it’s not hard to see why they resonated with you. These pieces are empowering, full of magical, protective energy, and just plain...

Gift Guide: Gifts for the Multi-Faceted, Ambitious Capricorns In Your Life

Gift Guide: Gifts for the Multi-Faceted, Ambiti...

We often forget that the symbol for a Capricorn is a mythological hybrid creature, the sea-goat, or mer-goat, if you prefer. So, although Capricorn is an earth sign that symbolizes...

Gift Guide: Gifts for the Multi-Faceted, Ambiti...

We often forget that the symbol for a Capricorn is a mythological hybrid creature, the sea-goat, or mer-goat, if you prefer. So, although Capricorn is an earth sign that symbolizes...