Nike: The of Goddess of Victory Spreads her Wings

Nike: The of Goddess of Victory Spreads her Wings

Close your eyes. Picture yourself on a day that you were most proud of something that you accomplished. Maybe you are picturing a version of yourself as a kid, winning a competition in school that you worked so hard for, or a version of yourself in your 20s where you ended a relationship that was not healthy for you. Maybe it’s this week when you completed a work task that has been nagging you or last year when you committed to getting into a better state of mental health or today when you pushed yourself at the gym and your body thanked you with a rush of endorphins.

The everyday challenges and hurdles we’re navigating on a daily basis since the beginning of our lives until the very last breath, are all worthy of pride. They are moments that each human experiences, some of them turning into those core key memories that we’re able to carry with us as reminders of our inner strength and endurance. Our ability to endure. Our willingness to keep moving forward, even when things feel like a climb.

Each time we set out to bring a Goddess into our pantheon, we want to make sure that the Goddess can speak and resonate with many people. Goddess Nike, the Greek Goddess of victory is often seen as an athlete icon — which she is, but victory comes in many forms and the celebration of victories are personal to each victor. And while she has long been worshiped by athletes, in their quest for championship, she is celebrated too for bringing luck to those who harness her energy.

"Our Nike collection honors the inner champion in all of us and symbolizes the ascent of the Goddess with wings who carry her to the finish line."

Nike was said to judge the excellence of Gods and mortals in any field, including art, music, war and athletics She’s depicted throughout ancient Greek artwork with a wreath or sash to crown a victor, a lyre for the celebration of victory in song, and, of course, her swooshed wings. The Nike Goddess Necklace should be worn by anyone who is facing a challenge whether massive or modest. The magnitude of a challenge is insignificant in comparison to the determination of Nike’s fortitude.

Our Nike collection honors the inner champion in all of us and symbolizes the ascent of the Goddess with wings who carry her to the finish line.

For the Goddess who’s celebrating her win, the Winged Victory Set is the ultimate token of triumph. It’s a statement of glory and confidence.

Let Nike’s spirit carry you to your finish line with help from her gift of flight with the Wing Wrap Ring. Wear it when you need the reassurance of your own ascension.

The Flying Dagger Studs are a powerful reminder of your vitality and the moonstone assists in mental clarity to help your mind prepare for not only the physical, but mental challenge ahead.

Looking for a Goddess to pair with Nike? Athena is her go-to pairing. The Goddess of wisdom and heroes, she is a symbol of ambition and with Nike, pushes us to achievement.

The next time you’re facing a fight, arm yourself with an affirmation worthy of Nike herself: “I can & I will.”

Take flight Goddess. You got this.

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