The Goddess Voice

A Little Magic Can Go A Long Way

A Little Magic Can Go A Long Way

Identify your desires and you can make magic happen. Manifesting your dreams is a step on the path of life and to stay on that path, invoking the proper Goddesses...

A Little Magic Can Go A Long Way

Identify your desires and you can make magic happen. Manifesting your dreams is a step on the path of life and to stay on that path, invoking the proper Goddesses...

Know Your Goddess: Cleopatra

Know Your Goddess: Cleopatra

Cleopatra represents what it means to be a powerful woman in a world run by men. She was portrayed incredibly unfavorably by Roman historians, who wrote her off as a...

Know Your Goddess: Cleopatra

Cleopatra represents what it means to be a powerful woman in a world run by men. She was portrayed incredibly unfavorably by Roman historians, who wrote her off as a...

Naomi Osaka and a Lesson on Putting Your Mental Health First

Naomi Osaka and a Lesson on Putting Your Mental...

Osaka, who experiences anxiety and depression, declined to engage in contracted publicity publicity rounds at a time when many Americans - & beyond- are reevaluating their own work-life balances.

Naomi Osaka and a Lesson on Putting Your Mental...

Osaka, who experiences anxiety and depression, declined to engage in contracted publicity publicity rounds at a time when many Americans - & beyond- are reevaluating their own work-life balances.

How our Awe x MPJI x Indya Moore Campaign came to be

How our Awe x MPJI x Indya Moore Campaign came ...

As a proud queer founder, I felt a responsibility to use Goddess as a vehicle to uplift and celebrate trans and nonbinary femmes, especially after the past year where we...

How our Awe x MPJI x Indya Moore Campaign came ...

As a proud queer founder, I felt a responsibility to use Goddess as a vehicle to uplift and celebrate trans and nonbinary femmes, especially after the past year where we...

Summer Layering Guide

Summer Layering Guide

Warmer weather means it’s time to break out your summer wardrobe and spend more time outdoors. While you’re getting your sundresses and sandals ready, it’s also an opportunity to refresh...

Summer Layering Guide

Warmer weather means it’s time to break out your summer wardrobe and spend more time outdoors. While you’re getting your sundresses and sandals ready, it’s also an opportunity to refresh...

Curating your collection with Goddess Charms

Curating your collection with Goddess Charms

Often found along with the depictions of Goddesses throughout history, these tokens capture the essence of each character and convey the same deep meaning represented by the Goddesses themselves. 

Curating your collection with Goddess Charms

Often found along with the depictions of Goddesses throughout history, these tokens capture the essence of each character and convey the same deep meaning represented by the Goddesses themselves.