Supporting NAMI and Mental Health Awareness Month

Supporting NAMI and Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we’re highlighting our incredible charity partner, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness,) the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI joins the national movement to raise awareness about mental health by fighting stigma, providing support and education, and advocating for policies that support people with mental illness and their families. 

This year, NAMI continues to amplify the message of “You Are Not Alone” by promoting the healing value of connecting safely, prioritizing mental health and acknowledging that it’s okay to not be okay. Throughout the month, NAMI will feature personal stories from people experiencing mental health conditions. By sharing lived experience, NAMI aims to make people feel less alone in their mental health journeys and increase awareness about mental health. You can read their stories here.

Please remember you are not alone, and remind your family, friends and co-workers that they too are not alone. After a year of profound isolation, it can be challenging to remember this. We’re living in unprecedented and challenging times - COVID, gun violence, food, work, and financial insecurity, to name a few of life’s current difficulties. And for parents, being strong for your family can also be a challenge when life feels so uncertain - please reach out to NAMI if you are struggling.

We are proud to support NAMI and our community has donated over $40,000 to date. Select NAMI as your charity partner of choice at checkout and continue to help us raise awareness and funds for this organization.

We encourage you to share NAMI’s Helpline number with any friends and family who may be struggling as well on your social media 800-950-NAMI.
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