Gift Guide: Your Gift Guide for the Passionate and Mysterious Scorpios in Your Life

Gift Guide: Your Gift Guide for the Passionate and Mysterious Scorpios in Your Life

It’s officially Scorpio season and it seems fitting that one of the most intense signs of the zodiac falls right in the middle of autumn. Deeply passionate and mysterious, Scorpios lure us in with their emotional depth and intensity. Their addictive femme fatale reputation can feel like equal parts adventure and chaos but also bewitching in every way.

Ruled by Mars, the planet of war, Scorpios may seem mellow and calm under pressure, but inside them swirls a storm of mystery and spirit. They are not shallow in any sense of the word and when you think you’ve reached the bottom, you’ll discover that their soul is endless, full of devotion, and enchantment. 

As fixed water signs, their intensity rules which means even when it comes to gifting, there has to be a deep meaning. They can also fixate on things they love almost to an obsessive degree. So if they love the moon, they love ALL moon Goddesses. And while they tend to have various interests across vast subjects, they also gravitate towards gifts that hold some sort of intrigue, allude to the occult or are a bit on the seductive side. 

If you’re wondering (and feeling intimidated) on what to get the Scorpio in your life, you’re in luck as we’ve put together a gift guide for this fierce water Goddess. 

You can never go wrong with gifting someone their Zodiac sign, and the Scorpio Necklace is a true stunner bringing every Scorpio Goddess’ formidable energy to the forefront. 

True to their nature, Scorpios love mystery, and it’s likely that many of them love Egyptology. Our new Egyptians Collection was an instant bestseller, and we think that Goddess Sekhmet is the perfect gift for an assertive Scorpio who fully is aware of her power. Egyptian Goddess of the sun, chaos and war, she is also the Goddess of healing and, although intense, Scorpios have a side that longs to heal those who are in their innermost circle. 

Celebrate Scorpio’s inner magic with the Hecate Signet Ring. It will be a reminder of her dark side when she looks down and sees the Greek Goddess of witchcraft. Hecate ruled both the living world and the underworld and was seen as the Goddess of boundaries between the two. Oftentimes, she is accompanied by a three headed hound as her companion. Discover more of Hecate here

We’re not going to lie, Scorpios can get an unfairly bad rap. They can be a little secretive, and maybe some of them love a little revenge… but it’s because it takes a lot for a Scorpio to open up and let you into their world. Give them a little divine protection with the Divine Eye Ear Cuff. The evil eye features a genuine white topaz, which is a symbol of security in many cultures. 

Speaking of revenge… Lilith has long been seen as a feminist icon. She refused to lie beneath Adam and asserted herself as an equal. Banished from the Garden of Eden for not obeying him, there are myths of Lilith coming through the mirror when young women were admiring themselves and then inhabiting their bodies, causing them to seduce men and let their sexual desires take over. She has become a symbol of autonomy, sexual choice and ownership of one’s destiny – something the wildly independent Scorpio would appreciate. 


Scorpios often feel very connected to nature as their intuition and divination is very strong. Help them harness that natural gift with the Reclaiming the Pentagram Amulet, which will assist in achieving harmony between the elemental and spiritual. 

Being a water sign means being deep, introspective and loyal. Honor their inner water Goddess with Greek Goddess Amphitrite, who was independent but had authority over many creatures of the sea as well as the ocean itself. Something about the unknown and the power of the ocean speaks to our Scorpios in ways that go beyond surface level. 

Read more Zodiac Gift Guides like Libra, Gemini and Leo. Stay tuned for Sagittarius next!

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