Ritual: April’s Pink Full Moon & Spiritual Rebirth

Ritual: April’s Pink Full Moon & Spiritual Rebirth

Between Pluto entering Aquarius for the first time in over 200 years, sparking change and revolution (March), April then brings us some awe-inspiring celestial happenings like a meteor shower and a rare eclipse that are sure to change up the energy and vibration of each and every living being. But don’t worry, these energy and vibrational shifts in the universe can bring on therapeutic change, renewal and reflection, plus the Pink full moon which happens on April 6th, brings a cheerfulness and spiritual rebirth that is needed after March’s Transformative Worm Moon.

The first full moon of Spring, the Pink Moon comes with the ceremonial ending that all full moons bring as they close the lunar cycle. In particular, full moons symbolize a sort of release and they are the perfect time to create ritual around the event.

If new moons mean manifestations and setting intentions, then full moons are an opportunity to look back and evaluate the month. It’s time to show gratitude for moments that you may have overlooked and to dive deeper into areas where you may have been lacking. Spring is a time to release darkness and to allow the light to come in and shine down on all of the hard work and effort we have made throughout the month— throughout the season really. It’s a time to celebrate your spring awakening.

If you’re ready to incorporate a full moon ritual into your life, we suggest starting with a few easy and reachable steps that are not only actionable but that leave you feeling a sense of awe. Even if you’re just feeling called to one of these, developing a full moon ritual can be both therapeutic and cathartic — plus, who doesn't love celebrating one of life’s ultimate wonders?

Reconnect with nature in any way you can on the days leading up to the full moon to welcome in its abundance. Go barefoot and receive the energy from the earth, forest bathe on a hike and listen to the breeze as if it’s the trees breathing. Our Say Yes to New Adventures Affirmation Coin Necklace is a reminder to take advantage of Springtime and its pleasures. Pair this with our Artemis Necklace to empower you to be independent and strong.

Goddess work during a full moon is also an easy way to honor the celestial event. There are some Goddesses who are known to be so deeply associated with the moon like Artemis mentioned above, but Hecate and Selene are two other moon Goddesses to work with. Artemis, Selene and Hecate actually represent the Triple Moon Goddess archetype which you can read about more indepthly here. Hecate symbolizes wisdom, confidence and strength while Selene symbolizes maternity, fertility and nurturing. What is it that you’re seeking and reflecting on this full moon? Find a quiet space to invite your Goddess in and meditate on how you visualize the next lunar season and how you can draw inspiration from a Goddess. We also like to call on Persephone during the April full moon as she is the Goddess of Springtime but Queen of the Underworld. She reminds us that we all are capable of duality and being multi-faceted. She is a Goddess to harness when you feel like you need to be empowered and heard.

Women are so connected to the moon’s energy and if you feel very intune with its cycles, consider yourself in good company. Because the Pink Full Moon falls in the sign of Libra, it’s a sign for us to seek balance as Libra represents the sign of the scales. What needs to be shifted or prioritized to create balance and harmony? Is this a physical balance or spiritual? Wearing moonstone during a full moon is especially powerful as moonstone carries properties that open us up to clarity and promotes inner tranquility. Our new Moonstone Goddess Necklace is meant to be worn to represent your power while inspiring creativity and renewal. With its two brilliant moonstones to help you visualize what it is you want, you’re ready to vibe.

What’s your Full Moon Ritual? Do you have one? If not, can you benefit from one?

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